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In the Piedmont language, an apricot is called ARMOGNAN because it is native to Armenia.
In Piedmontese dialect a peach is called PERSI, as they originally came from Persia.
In Piedmontese dialect a cherry is called CIRESA because cherries are originally from Cerasunte situated in Anatolia.
In Piedmontese dialect a cherry is called CIRESA because cherries are originally from Cerasunte situated in Anatolia.Details
In the Piedmont language, orange is called PORTUGAL because, although native to Asia, the first grafts were made in Portugal. Details
In the Piedmont language a small plum is called DARMASSIN because it is originally from Damascus. Details
In the Piedmont language, corn is called MERIA because it is native to America (called La Merica in Piedmontese). Details